Building silhouette

Contact name

Victor manuel Rodriguez Martinez








CEI El Jarama is a 22-year family-owned business devoted to deliver educational services to both schools and/or individuals, normally under 18s. Our regular client list is formed by around 400 primary and secondary schools in Spain. Currently we are in the process of enhancing our portfolio of agency-based services to Spanish schools such as: wider range of language schools/summer camps in the UK/North America; or to European individuals, such as: EU university admissions for language and academic courses (Diploma, Degree and Masters Programmes). On top, we have initiated ventures with some European partners to start up a programme that would allow us to arrange work placements, language courses and accommodation for Erasmus+ students, but still looking for other partners throughout Europe. We guarantee honesty and high levels of excellence on the process of recruiting students and/or allocating them, as well as the follow-up and support, since this has always been our essence.

Km 2, 2 28160 Talamanca de Jarama, Sector de Caraquiz, Torrelaguna, Spanien Sector de Caraquiz, Torrelaguna, Madrid, Islas Baleares, 28180, Spain