Building silhouette

Contact name

Elisabeth Bada








Besor Associates is a service concept and educational travel advising company with the aim of providing solutions for producers and providers of relevant educational travel products, students and youths with potentials, talents and needs for development in the Sub-Sahara region. Our goal is to provide students and youth travelers with all the necessary opportunities for personal development from out-of-classroom education through educational travel opportunities, exchange, work and learn programmes and cultural immersion that will promote mutual understanding and peaceful global co-existence. We believe that the experience and knowledge you gain through travel exposure adds value to your personal development and contributes to becoming a better person. Education gained through travel is holistic and defines your outlook on versatile issues and becomes a part of you.

Besor Associates 2nd Floor, CONNAK Place 17 Akinremi Street, Ikeja, Lagos State, 100001, Nigeria