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Contact name

Ashish Kunwar








Silicon Education Network Pvt. Ltd. is a team of enthusiastic members who are dedicated to providing brilliant services to the students and the institutions we work with. We are based in Height of Dillibazar, Kathmandu, Nepal, yet we operate completely online and provide our services globally. We have young team members who understand every problem your go through and help you realtime. We are the only Common application help centre in Nepal with almost highest visa success ratio in town. Being the CEO of the most trusted consultant, we not only lead the students towards their destination and watching them succeed in our main motto. We, as education consultants, work for the better future of enthusiastic youth of Nepal who hold the potential to later bring lots of chances in our nation though the lessons they learn from the best-developed countries around the world.  "We are doers, not talkers."

Dillibazar, Silicon Education Network Pvt Ltd Dilli Bazaar Sadak, Kathmandu, Central Development Region, 44605, Nepal