Building silhouette

Contact name

Mohammed Abu Aql








One of our main activities is the integration of higher education establishments in the Middle East into the world's education system, to ensure the full value of the educational process, a better understanding and a smooth transition into the fast growing global challenges. We are interested in universities or educational centres in the USA, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, who are interested in potential partnerships. Jordan has grown in the education industry and is proud to say that our literacy rate is more than 94%. The majority of our population is young and at the same time, students. While international conventions are the main places we meet with educational establishments in Jordan and in the Middle East, we are also looking for opportunities to connect with higher education and scientific degrees institutes through the Internet. We are the only non-governmental, non-profit educational service provider in Jordan and consequently in the Middle East.

27 Tolkarem Street Yarmouk University Street, Irbid, 21110, Jordan