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Contact name

Merumo Unno








BRAND NEW WAY Inc. is one of the largest agencies for Japanese students who are seeking education opportunities in Canada. We operate our offices in Tokyo, Victoria, Toronto and Montreal. We also have our sister companies in Vancouver and Calgary, and support staff members in Ottawa and London, Ontario. We have successfully recruited approximately 1,200 Japanese students and over 100 students for University and College institutions across Canada in 2014.  Our Toronto main office has grown to over 800 members in a year and has helped students locally not only in educational paths, but also through building Japanese communities by organizing several events. Our mission is to build up the Japanese community in Canada in order to contribute to Canadian society.  BRAND NEW WAY Inc. is hoping to expand our business opportunities for secondary and higher education in order to accommodate as many students’ dreams as we can.

700 2 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, M4W 3E2, Canada