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Contact name

Monica Mandil








N&M Exchange Programs & Language Courses Abroad is a Counselling Agency in Sao Paulo, Brazil, specialized in student exchanges and language courses abroad. I have been working for 30 years as a teacher and school coordinator, besides running our own office.

N&M focuses are: academic courses (undergraduate, post-graduate, study abroad, certificates and diplomas), language courses for all ages and courses for specific purposes

We are one of very few (if any) agencies in Brazil specialized in Higher Education, due to our strong academic background.

The Brazilian (Higher) Education system is very different from most of the Countries that the students choose to go, thus many Universities and Colleges appreciate when we advise students. This saves them a lot of time and emails back and forth.

We have a very personalized way of counselling students with in-person appointments in our office.

We would appreciate if you could consider our proposal for a partnership/collaboration and would be happy to have a skype conference with you.

I'd be very grateful if you could send me all pieces of information which you think we should forward to our students and an agreement if necessary. 

We are certified by the American International Recruitment Council (AIRC)  www.airc-education.org

8th and 9th floor, Rua Pamplona 1326, conj 92, Sao Paulo, SP, 01405-002, Brazil