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Contact name

Thomas Prieur








StepAbroad is the outbound department of Stepwest, a thriving working holiday and internship placement company who offers travel and work programs in Canada to participants from all over the world. Our international participants have experienced everything from what a luxury resort in the Rocky Mountains has to offer to developing their professional skills with a thriving host company in Canada. 

With 5 years of experience in the inbound market, we have decided to offer similar opportunities abroad for the Canadian youth, so we launched Stepabroad! The company focus is on offering Canadians the opportunity to go see the world as locals! Travelling, working, teaching or doing an internship abroad! We want to be able to provide both Canadian and foreign youth with the same amount of opportunities to travel to a new country and to gain work experience. Through these experiences, we aim to see youth immerse themselves in a new culture and eventually grow into mature and well-developed citizens who will be active and engaged members of their respective communities.

812 525 Seymour street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 3H7, Canada