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Contact name

Fernando Chauvin








Study, Learning, and Intercultural Exchange, SLI ECUADOR, is a non-profit educational organization. With offices in Ecuador and Colombia and approved by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Education, SLI ECUADOR is the preeminent provider of international educational placement services in northern Latin America. We encourage and assist Latin American students who want to study abroad in high school, undergraduate and graduate programs. We also provide assistance and placement services in foreign language acquisition and au pair and work study programs. SLI ECUADOR works with two well-defined target markets. We primarily work with excellent students who are offered scholarships by the Government of Ecuador to study abroad at the world’s top universities, students who want to improve their language skills, and high school students who want to study abroad. SLI ECUADOR also works with professionals who want to continue their academic formation in masters, doctorate or post-doctorate programs abroad. At the moment, we are working closely with Ecuadorian government employees who are being encouraged to pursue post-graduate studies.

E 1027 Calle Gonzalo Serrano y Avenida 6 de Diciembre, Quito, Pichincha, 170102, Ecuador