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Contact name

Michael Dahunsi Babalola








Essential Premium International Services has been established as an Educational Agency company in West Africa, Operating under Essential Management Consulting Ltd for 8 years  in Nigeria and Represented here in Australia since 2014.

Our traditional business model is based on the accomplishment of advisory and assistance for overseas student. Based on the decision of the company to diversify our operation; we are making positive progress in re orientation of International students and prospective overseas student to fully follow the rules and regulations while study abroad and advise them on the best and relevant courses that will be meaningful to their economy when return home. There is a great need to ensure we have a right frame of mind before coming to study and maintain high level of demeanor  while studying in Australia.

However, we are expanding our relationship with RTO of high reputation that has CRISCO program for International student to represent the Institution and counsel any prospective student for their choice.

29-31 Defiance Road, Woodridge, Brisbane, Queensland, 4114, Australia