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Contact name

Dila Ram Kharel








INNOVATIVE ASSOCIATES helps students to make the right education decisions. Our expertise in the field of overseas education has made us a time-tested resource in helping students to gain admission for suitable courses in recognized universities across the globe. Innovative Associates : is a professional Education Consultancy firm that serves the various sectors of education and business fields which based in Chitwan, Narayangarh, Nepal. We are also located in the Australia, New Zealand and Japan to support to you. We are qualified team, with our experienced counselors will admit in the right universities and the colleges. We specialize in: AUSTRALIA, UK, USA, NEW ZEALAND JAPAN, CHINA AND INDIA.

We are the qualified team who knows about your dream.The team of informed and committed senior education advisor / counselors who understand need of students and their parents or sponsors. We strongly believe in customer service to the students and our clients. We give the students all the information on the all available options to help them make sensible decisions.

122A Beaconsfield Street, Revesby, NSW, 2212, Australia