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Contact name

Henry Nguyen








StudyCare International


+61 449 998 949

Our Journey

StudyCare International strongly believes in increasing our countries’ cultural diversity and capacity building by actively enrolling students of our countries into various foreign universities for the better development of their academic and analytical acumen in order to facilitate a well-rounded and diversified growth of our nations.

In the past years of our establishment, we have facilitated the enrollment of hundreds of students in various Universities of Viet Nam, China, Thailand, Japan, Korea and Australia. As the demand of prospective students have now shifted more than ever for the past years, especially in Australia, we seek to extend our humble services, in order to facilitate a smooth and informed enrollment of our students to Australian Universities with courses varied form Nursing, Business, Commerce, Cookery, Accounting, IT and Engineering and so on.

Our Professionalism

It is critical in making decision and choosing the right path for your education as it may affect your future career and life’s destination. With my aspects should you consider for your study, as we can simplify the process and guide you with professional advices in your mission, whether be it, study overseas, migration, sponsoring overseas workers or business related matters, which can reduce your workload and make your journey more enjoyable. Our consultants are professional people who understand the high level of professionalism, integrity, understanding the relevant regulations and mindset, can help you find out the best door to your successful education.

Our Clients’ Satisfactio

We value the most is the satisfaction of our clients. Every day, we try to provide the best service with our best effort, as we understand there is no greater than your satisfaction.

Helping our clients throughout the process from start to end until we together can reach and achieve the best goal, not leaving the journey half way through.

By maintaining privacy and confidentiality, valuing your time, understanding your business or personal circumstance and finding legitimate solutions for complex problems, we have maintain this foundations of success for many years.

In our journey, we always want you to be with us, to make it an enjoyable, successful and productive one. We are here to help, It now your time to educate a better you. We are looking forward to hear from you.

219 Aurburn Road, Auburn, Sydney, New South Wales, 2144, Australia