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Contact name

Thushan Nadeeraka Somapala








Cambridge Consultancy services pty Ltd is recently established organisation in Sydney. Our aim is to provide an effective and reliable service to students who are willing to move to Australia for their higher education and those who wants to Migrate to Australia.Our offices are located in Both Sydney, Australia and Kandy, Sri Lanka.

We keep a close relationship with students who move to Australia through CCS by Providing them Accommodation, Helping them to find jobs and help them in any other ways when necessary to feel them that they are not alone in Australia. Students and Migrants can contact our local representatives 24/7 every day in the year.we have been running Kandy Cambridge college since 2005 in Sri Lanka. We provide an excellent service for students who are willing to learn English and has been one of the Islands leading English education providers.

Currently KCC has more than 200 Students and Three main Courses running. We do provide some English courses on special requests for limited groups.visit KCC website for more information www.kandycambridge.com.


7 Wyena Road, Pendle Hill, NSW, 2145, Australia