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Contact name

Luise Thomas








Founded by Louis Thomas in order to provide educational consulting services to international families looking for an environment where their children can grow and develop into academically well-rounded students, as well as develop intercultural skills to be tomorrow’s active and caring global citizen. “Global Citizen” means having a global awareness and understanding. To truly develop into a skilled and confident global citizen, a student needs to be fully integrated into a community that offers global diversity, inclusiveness, and understanding. The talented students of today are the economic, political and administrative leaders of tomorrow. With over 15 years of experience in Education sector served as Principal  for Top schools in the province, Counseled  thousands  of families to make right choice. Admissions and networking with schools throughout Canada, We are well-equipped to guide families through the application processes. we work with students, their families and other consultants to ensure that students are placed in prestigious boarding schools, colleges and universities in Canada.



8 Madrid Crescent, Brampton, ON, L6S 2X4, Canada