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Contact name

Ashim Adhikari








Reaction Nepal Education Consultancy is focused to provide quality Language Training Classes ( IELTS, TOEFL, Japanese, Korean, and general English)  to Nepalese students who want to enhance their studies in foreign destinations. We also provide them with complete solution regarding choosing the right college and help them with other visa requirements for their chosen destination. 

Reaction Nepal Education Consultancy is a government-registered interdisciplinary organization with its headquarters at Lainchour, Kathmandu, Nepal. With its establishment in 2018, it mainly aims at providing education services to all seeking their study and career prospects in and out of the country.

We are a small team of 5 dedicated staffs who are committed  to provide quality service to our students. 

Opposite Sahid Park, Level 1, Lainchour Marg PipalBot, Kathmandu, Nepal, Kathmandu, Central Development Region, 44600, Nepal