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Contact name

Upendra Sedhai








Sunrise Education Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. is established in 2011 with Registration Number (888863/068/069) by the educators for the sole purpose of providing genuine, honest, transparent and proper counseling services to the students who are interested to pursuer higher education in abroad in their chosen field. 

 It has the membership of FECON (Free Educational Consultancies Organization of Nepal) . It is the  Private Limited Company registered in the Office of Company Registrar Government, Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supply Nepal and  Ministry of Education of Nepal.  Sunrise Education Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. is a professional education counseling centre, gives   unlimited study opportunities overseas for Nepalese students. Sunrise Education Consultancy assists bonafide Nepalese students to make the right overseas education decisions. Our expertise in the field of overseas education has made us time- tasted resource in helping students to gain admission for suitable courses in recognized universities across the globe.

Putalisadak, Putalisadak, Kathmandu, Central Development Region, 44600, Nepal