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Contact name

Enkhtuvshin Upton








Background:  Upton International Institute of Education was set up specifically to provide academic English solutions for universities and medical English courses for medical professionals in Mongolia in 2014. The company is staffed by experienced professionals who have many years’ experience in the medical profession and providing management services in higher education.  Vision:  Internationally Recognised Educational Service Provider  Mission:  To enable current and future Mongolian professionals to become active participants in the global arena.  To create a learning environment that combines Critical Thinking and Academic English Language Skills  UPTONS’ INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION is setting out to bring long term changes to Mongolia by:  Advancing the opportunities for Mongolian health workers to excel overseas and bring home newly acquired skills, uplifting medical services and individual health levels throughout the country.  Improving specialist training by providing the necessary language skills for international communication and study in both medical and business sectors.  Generating a competitive, vibrant and internationally connected Mongolia through teaching English language skills for academic purposes.  Invigorating the import/export business sector by instigating international business communication skills.  Improving Mongolia’s most precious marketable factor (its people) on an international scale – by providing advanced English language training for all age ranges throughout the country overtime.

1301, 13th Floor, UBH Center, Ulaanbaatar, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia