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Contact name

Tanjilull Shakil








BSB Global Network is the ISO 9001:2008 Certified Pioneer Education Consultancy Firm in

Bangladesh, when all other firm take a long breathing time to found them on a solid ground

BSB Global Network is found outstandingly born on a solid ground of management support

and vision for the future. Serving to the Bangladeshi students for the last 25 years with a

sound reputation and high volume of success rates created the leading position for BSB

global Network. It is an international award winning organization for best quality service.

BSB Global Network is the member of many international and national organizations like

ICEF- is a collaborative internet platform for the international education community and

FACD-CAB (Foreign Admission & Career Development Consultants Association of

Bangladesh) and Chief Executive of BSB Global Network, Ln. M K Bashar PMJF is the

president of FACD-CAB. This is the only authorized association for the legal student

consultancy firm in Bangladesh. FACD-CAB is the 1st class member of FBCCI (Federation of

Bangladesh chambers of Commerce and Industry).

BSB Global Network work with the idea of total education service as it has set the motto

"One Stop Solution for Higher Education at Home and Abroad".

Rob Bhaban (Zaman Holdings), Level-03, Plot-22, Gulshan Circle- 02, Plot-22, Gulshan Circle-02, Dhaka, Dhaka Division, 1212, Bangladesh