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Ilaya Bharathi








Short listing universities can be one hell of a time. The more you search the more you may get confused. It is really difficult to bring down the list to 5 to 6 from going through over hundreds of university websites and programs. So relax. Preston is always ready to help you. If you are tired of searching, let us list down and help you apply for the University of your Choice. Sometimes in a confused state the chances are high that you may end up applying to the wrong Universities. We as a Global Education Consultancy in Chennai know that there are pros and cons to every university. We conduct a thorough research on each university like whether it has an updated syllabus, whether it has qualified and knowledgeable staff, or whether it is within your economy, whether it offers career placements etc.  We really understand the role of the institution you choose in your life. We ensure that the lists we provide are the best for you and your future life. And at the end of the day we truly respect your decision and the final word is always yours.

No.42/6, 2nd Floor Shanthi, Chennai, TN, 600101, India