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Contact name

Gamini Senanayake








Global Educational Placement Lanka Pvt Limited is a newly established limited liability company in Sri Lanka under the able leadership of highly acclaimed group of professionals with sound track records in their respective disciplines in Sri Lanka dedicated to guide and assist Sri Lankan youth to pursue higher studies according to their ambitions

Services the company provide

Partnering with universities (including UGC recognized), colleges and other educational establishments worldwide including Sri Lanka Provide career guidance for school leavers Assist students in identifying the most suitable educational pathway according to his or her ambitions Assist students in acquiring required pre-qualifications (IELTS, TOEFL, ……., etc.) for entry to educational establishments Assist students in securing concessional funding if required Visa facilitation Making travel arrangements Providing orientation facilities in respective countries through the network of GEP Representative Agents Providing further support if required during the entire period of education

Opposite Maliyadeva Girls College, Second Floor, No 82, Colombo Road, Kurunegala, NW, 60000, Sri Lanka