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Contact name

Dhakal Raj Kumar






www.smarteducation.edu.np (Under Construction now)


Dear Sir/Madam,

First of all, I would like to thank you for taking time to have my details here. I, being an educational consultant, would like to let you know that we are in this recruiting business since 2012/2013. As per the demand of time and students' preference, we are expanding our recruiting horizon to different countries though our first country of recruitment is Australia and New Zealand. With huge success of visa grants for Australia and New Zealand, we want to add some more institutions and programs of study in the business lap of Smart Study Center which is our sole companies based in Kathmandu with 2 other branches within Nepal. Because of the good service and guidance, we are one among many good consultancies in Nepal and we will do the best in the days to come if the support and business ties are rendered from you and your institution timely and lucidly.

For more, you can visit us at www.smarteducation.edu.np and write us at raj@smarteducation.edu.np or inquiry.smartstudy@gmail.com


Best Regards,

R. K. Dhakal


Smart Study Center P. Ltd.

Siddhi Vinayak Bhawan, पुतलीसडक मार्ग Oppo. of Machhapuchhre Bank / Chandani Fency, Putalisadak, Kathmandu, Central Development Region, 44600, Nepal