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Contact name

Ben Akoh








ULink Insights was founded to address gaps in international student placement and education, technology and business project management in Canadian schools and industry.

Established by academic researchers, administrators and entrepreneurs, we know and understand what your needs are; whether you are a Canadian school or province seeking international students or wishing to partner with other African states, an African institution seeking joint credit with a Canadian school, or a student wanting to be placed in the right learning environment.

ULink Insights is your premier certified Study in Canada expert. We listen to your needs and then match you to the right institution. We provide you guidance and support right from the moment you conceptualize your interest in Canadian education. As alumni of Canadian schools, we understand the terrain and will provide you all the support you need to navigate the elaborate system of Canadian Post-Secondary Institutions.

34 Charity Lane, Winnipeg, MB, R3X 0G6, Canada