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Contact name

Raef Istafanos








St. George Office for Migration and Translation Services has been established since 1994 until the present date in Cairo, Egypt and Sydney, NSW, Australia.


The office provides three main services:


1- It is one of the most reputable offices with extensive experience in providing migration services to Australia and New Zealand. It has a Registered Migration Agent MARN 9803658. (www.mara.gov.au) with over 20 years experience in providing migration services to Australia.


2- The office provides accredited translation to most Embassies and Institutions in Egypt and around the world. It has a NAATI accredited Translator Registration No. 21449.


3- We provide JP (Justice of the peace) Registration No. 140547 services by certifying documents as true copies for people migrating to Australia, New Zealand, the UK and Canada.


The office has three branches, two in Cairo, Egypt and one in Sydney, Australia. A branch in Downtown Cairo, Egypt which makes it convenient for our customers as it is close to all public transport and Cairo main train station depot to all over Egypt and a branch in Heliopolis Cairo in addition to the office in Sydney NSW.

Cnr Klot Bek Street, 7 Ramses Square 3rd Floor, Cairo, Cairo Governorate, 11211, Egypt