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Contact name

Kirubel Akalu








GlobeDock Educational Consultancy PLC is a consultancy agency that was established in April 2018 by a group of young, energetic, visionary and experienced professionals in the field of Education, Computer Science, Management, Marketing, and other relevant disciplines who graduated in bachelor, masters and doctorate degrees.

Its goal is to provide quality consultancy service to high school students, their teachers, and parents, for boosting the existing academic destiny through support for a tangible highest possible outcomes as well as building their confidence. 

Our Company has helped hundreds of students study in many world-class universities all over the world including but not limited to the USA, Canada, many European countries South Korea and China. We also provide short-term pieces of training on international Standardized exams that are based on the modules genuine that are obtained from the right testing centers.

Äthiopien, Gabon Street (Dembel to Meskel Flower) road, Next to Dreamliner Hotel, Jemea Building, 6th floor, Addis Ababa, , Ethiopia