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Contact name

Reza Peyrovian








Company profile 1.1 Details of legal structure of organization Managing Director Administrative Consultant Marketing &communication Chief Executive Officer 1.2 History of organization: Kavoshgarane Elm is Company (Ltd) in Iran. Registration Number: 17942 Established in 2005 1.3 Related business/es: Recruitment of students from Australia and Canada. 1.4 Details of assets owned: Office and all features belong to institute. 1.5 List of all business names used by the organization: API-Kavoshgarane Elm. 1.6 Primary recruitment market(s): Iran 2.1 Number of offices. One Main office 2.2 Locations and benefits of locations of offices: a) Benefits of location: Managing Director 90% and Consultant 10% b) Location: No.14, Ranjbar (Av) Heravi (Sq) Pasdaran (St) Tehran-Iran 2.3 features of facilities: computing resources, TV, Video, multimedia, seminar rooms. Number of staff by position: 4 3.1 Frequency and nature of training provided to counselors: Recruitment of student and Educational Consultant 4.1 Sample of organization?s promotional materials and advertisements: Our website: www.kavoshelm.com- www.kavoshelm.net 4.2 Schedule of promotional activities over the last year: by media and news release. 4.3 Current marketing plan: Especially by our website and news release time by time. 5.1 Curricula vitae of principals or directors, and of counselors, detailing Educational and Professional backgrounds: a) Managing Director of Institute: Graduate degree with over than 20 years experience in Management b)Consultant: Graduate degree over than 4 years experience. c) Chief Executive Officer: Graduate degree over three years experience. 6.1 Licenses and permits held: yes, License and permits from Ministry of sciences as Education consultant to recruit student to Australia and Canada.

No 14, Ranjbar (Ave) Golzar (Blv) Heravi (Sq) Pasdaran (St), Tehran, Tehran, 1667747613, Iran