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Contact name

Kitty Wijsman-Vreijsen








Studie-Wijs was founded in 2012 by Kitty Wijsman, who has been working in education since 1974. Although based in The Netherlands , she helps young adults who live in Belgium ( aged between 12 and 25) as a personal coach and counsellor in finding educational programs in their own country and abroad.  These programs  comprise not only boarding schools, language courses ( long term and short term) and vocational courses, but also bachelor and master degrees and voluntary work. Studie-Wijs is a small and independent organization with a tailor made approach and with an extensive network all over the world. Students find Kitty not only by word of mouth but also through her contacts with secondary schools.

3 Statenplein, Den Haag/ The Hague, Zuid-Holland, 2582EW, Netherlands