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International Education and Migration Services (IEMS) is an Australian owned independent student placement agency offering the complete package for international students wishing to study abroad in Australia. We offer a comprehensive range of study options and courses across the whole of Australia operating from Sydney based Headquarters. With IEMS choose your Study options from: Universities Vocational Education & Training (VET) English Language Courses (ELICOS) Higher Learning Pathways Scholarships IEMS offers free advice & management from the initial course application, placement to visa applications as well as an ongoing student services support program. We seek to provide services and integration with local networks including supplementary student offerings to assist in the integration of student life in Australia. IEMS Services Include: Course Counselling from the widest available selection of Australian courses Application and Enrolment advice Free visa application Airport Transfers and Accommodation Options Student Discounts Part time work options

Sydney, Sydney, NSW, 2034, Australia