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Contact name

Christina Liu








MEA Consultancy consists of a team of professional and vibrant counsellors who are QEAC qualified. MEA is headquartered at Melbourne and will branch out soon to Kuching, Changsha, Zhongshan and Hong Kong. Although MEA is young in the industry, our counsellors are experienced in international student recruitment or have worked in universities. Plus regular attendance in workshops and training, we provide international students with professional and comprehensive counselling services in education pathways and migration. We also have a registered migration agent to deal with visa issues. Hence, we are not only capable to provide the best service to students, but also serve as a frontline to screen genuine students for institutes. In addition to common services that agencies provide, we provided international students with networking opportunities to reach industry professionals to have an insight on how international students settle into overseas working environments. As our goal - Experience the Differences.

Level 2 250 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000, Australia